
Hi, my name is Kristina and home is currently on the fringes of Washington, DC. I’m a transplant to the city, like many others. Before living in the US, I only knew the rain and (sometimes) hostile heat of the tropics. I will never not miss this home.

In a lot of ways, a lot of us are constantly in a quest to find “home”. This quest can be big or small – you could be moving around the world like I did, or fidgeting to find your seat on your mat/meditation cushion. I started this blog as a way to document the different places and ways I am able to find and re-discover “home” wherever I am in the world. (Hint: yoga is a key part of this journey!)

My work takes me to interesting and challenging places. I’ve found that yoga is a great way to ground myself wherever I am in the world! Sometimes, finding that one yoga studio tucked away in a remote corner in Ulaanbaatar is the best highlight of the trip (true story). I’m not always great at taking Instagram-worthy yoga photos (my boyfriend is still in IG-boyfriend training as well), but I am always up for telling a story. Check back often on the blog!

Other things I hope to do in this space:

  • interview interesting figures I meet along the way
  • compile a list / directory of yoga studios I have practiced in before starting this blog, for the use of other yogis who love to take their practice on the road
  •  begin the first of a series of karma projects
  • (any other ideas? Let me know!)

When I am in DC, I teach a few community yoga classes. I am passionate about teaching students of all ages! I also enjoy hiking, running and meditating and always looking for ways to inspire others to try all these things. Send me a note if you have any ideas how we can do this together.

In light, love and om,