Home is where we find om

Hi, my name is Kristina and in 2013, I let go of about 90% of my belongings and moved halfway around the world in search of refreshment and purpose (dharma). More about me here. This is a safe space for musings, ideas and questions about yoga and all related topics. You are always welcome here; stay as long as you need.

In light, love, and om,


P.S. Can you guess where all of the header images above were taken?  Reload the page to see the other images!

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Taking the leap: 6 tips for aspiring yogis

I’ve had numerous stops and starts with yoga. I vaguely remember trying out short instructional videos in the early 2000s when yoga was barely a thing in the Philippines, where I lived at the time.

There are many mental, emotional, financial and physical (mostly unfounded) blocks to getting started. I’ve learned a few tips and tricks along the way that I think are helpful to those finding or re-finding yoga.

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